Finding an Easier Way to Split Vacation Costs Freed up More Time in the Sun

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I’m a Chicagoan born and raised. While I love my hometown, Chicago winters make me want to plop down in front of a fireplace and lay motionless for a few months. So when a friend found discounted flights to Hawaii for me and a group of friends in the dead of February, I was in faster than you can say Aloha.

But while we all bought our own plane tickets, how we were splitting the rest of the costs was murkier.

I bought the Airbnb. One friend got the rental car. Another friend paid for a whale watching excursion. When we’d go out to dinner or buy groceries, we used a rotation of credit cards to cover the bill.

After spending a week together having fun in the sun with no particular rhyme or reason to who was paying for what, I thought sorting out the costs would be a headache. I like to get all my debts squared away immediately so that no costs get lost in the shuffle of vacation ending and everyone returning back to their normal lives.

Luckily, these aren’t the old days of pen and paper and TI-84s — digital tools such as online credit card statements, Venmo, and Splitwise helped make divvying up the costs of this trip a breeze. On the last day of our trip, everyone went through their credit card statements and put the costs into Splitwise, an app for splitting up your expenses with your friends.

In the past on group trips, I would create massive spreadsheets in Google Sheets and have everyone send me what they paid for, down to the penny. Then it would take a lot of math — which is not, uh, my strong suit — to determine who was owed what and who would be paying whom.

On Splitwise, you assign expenses to each person who owes money, and the app will do the math. We spent money on everything from happy hour drinks to a surfboard to snorkel gear to high-end sushi, and not everyone partook in each activity or meal. For instance, a friend and I split the cost of an apartment decoration, and it was easy to make sure our other two friends weren’t charged as well. After all the expenses are put in, Splitwise will tell you who owes who and for how much. Then, you can link your Venmo account and pay directly through it.

The whole process was so seamless that we had everything all settled within about half an hour — which left more time for locally brewed beer and kicking back on the beach. But now, back to reality; there was snow on the ground outside of my window yesterday and I’m still looking for an app I can use to speed up the seasons until summer.

– Ryan Wangman, Junior Loans Reporter

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