State pension to rise just £4.25 a week – three ways YOU could get thousands more | Personal Finance | Finance

Pensioners on the old State Pension will get maximum income of just £141.85 a week, plus any second state pension (formerly Serps) entitlement on top. Those who retired from April 6, 2016, on the new single tier State Pension will get an extra £5.55, lifting their income to £185.15 a week.

Both the old and new State Pensions are rising by just 3.1 percent, following the Government’s decision to scrap the triple lock uplift this year. They are falling behind the skyrocketing cost of living with inflation on course to hit 6 percent, said Becky O’Connor, head of pensions and savings at Interactive Investor.

“Worse, pensioners typically spend a higher proportion of their overall income on energy and food, which are rising fastest of all.”

As prices rage out of control, everyone should make sure they max out their State Pension and other benefits. “Too many fail to claim what is due,” said Stephen Lowe, group communications director at Just Group.

How much State Pension you get partly depends on how many qualifying National Insurance (NI) contributions you made during your working lifetime. So make sure you max these out.

You need 35 years of qualifying NI contributions to get the full new State Pension. If you make less than 10 years, you get nothing at all. For the old State pension, it is 30 years. If you’ve fallen short, here are your options to boost your entitlement.

1. Claim National Insurance credits. NI credits are designed to cover any shortfall in contributions, say, if you were unable to work and claimed benefits such as working tax credits, jobseeker’s allowance and universal credit.

Those receiving maternity, paternity or adoption benefits may also qualify for NI credits, as may those providing care for more than 25 hours a week and getting carer’s allowance, Lowe said. “These should have been given automatically but mistakes can be made. If you can prove yours were not paid in error, they can be backdated.”

In some cases, people have to actively claim NI credits, rather than receiving them automatically. These include those on carer’s allowance who cared for between 20 and 35 hours a week.

READ MORE: State Pension age ‘to hit 70’ – triple lock could be scrapped too i…

Working-age grandparents who are caring for grandchildren under 12 could qualify for NI credits to top up their income in retirement, via the Specified Adult Childcare Credit. If eligible, claims can be backdated to 2011.

There is also a credit for military spouses that can be claimed back to the 1970s, Lowe added.

2. Make addition Class 3 National Insurance contributions. If you do not qualify for NI credits, then you can buy extra State Pension by making Class 3 NI contributions from your own pocket.

Buying one year of State Pension costs around £800 and gives you £238 year in return, Lowe said. “It would pay for itself in less than four years.”

Time is running out for those on the old basic State Pension, who have until April 5, 2023 to plug any gaps.

Check your NI record at portal or call the Government’s Future Pension Center on 0800 731 0175.

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If money is tight, Lowe said you may have partial years on your NI record which would be cheaper to top up than full years.

This isn’t right for everyone. “Think twice about buying extra years of State Pension if you will lose other benefits as a result.”

3. Claim Pension Credit top-up. Nearly half of pension of homeowners fail to claim benefits they are entitled to, notably Pension Credit.

This means-tested State Pension top-up is designed to top up the earnings of low income pensioners and will increase a single pensioner’s income to £177.10 a week or £270.30 a week for couples.

It also acts as a gateway to other benefits, including help with Council Tax, a free TV license (if you’re over 75), free NHS dental treatment and help towards the cost of glasses and travel to hospital.

Pension Credit claimants also qualify for a Cold Weather Payment of £25 when the temperature is zero degrees or below for seven days in a row.

They can also get help with rent while carers may get an extra payment, worth up to £37.70 a week.

Despite all of these advantages, more than a million of the poorest pensioners fail to claim. To check eligibility, phone the Pension Credit Claims line on 0800 99 1234.

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